
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spring is creeping in.........

Hi fellow artists,
Just dropping in to give you an update on the felt in the last post. After much stitching it is cut up and starting to take shape into a new figure. She is sitting on a few other felts of similar shades that I may add to her. If anyone is keen to help me out with her name please drop me a line.

Meanwhile the outside is starting to reveal that Spring is on the way. Each morning I go into the garden with my first cup of tea (first of many!) and see what has decided to show its' face. This is the first of many lavenders.

Poppies are just about to burst.

Snapdragons are simply showing off amongst the delicate wild freesias that we do nothing to and they continue to appear year after year. As I garden away with Mum, beds are dug over and manure thrown in, stuff pulled out and new things planted.
Mum planted the freesias when she first built the house (1962). I never can recall the garden without them and yet year after year they poke through fanfaring the commencement of the new season. NOT ONCE have we replaced them and yet like some magnificent wake up call they appear on cue. The bluebells and snowdrops are the same. Pretty groovy isn't it?

This very soft grey bush is sporting these gorgeous lavender shades.

Whilst the euphorbia (green stuff) and the statice are complementing each other well.

Well I can't say I mind the turn in the weather as I am longing to be in the garden again.
Hoping everyone has time to enjoy a garden somewhere this week, no matter what the season


  1. Adorable doll, beautiful flowers!

  2. Love your new piece! Also, I am so happy for you that spring is in your land.....We are in fall getting ready for winter.....I can't wait to see the poppies in full bloom!

  3. She is going to be beautiful. How about Freya or Fleur (from the Forsythe Saga).

  4. I have to tell you that I just love your blog! I have been reading for quite some time, and have always meant to post and tell you how lovely I think your work and words are. I suggest "Serena" for your latest piece -- because she looks serene and I suspect that making her made you feel serene. I'm also a doll/figure maker, but my medium is freeform crochet ( I've dabbled a bit in needle felting and your blog makes me sure that one of these days I'll have to try wet felting. Looking forward to upcoming blog posts!

    Bonnie Prokopowicz

  5. How lovely to see spring springing again. It seems such a long time ago here. Your doll/figure should be called after her colours, either Daphne, or Olive. She's great.

  6. Thank-you for such a lovely fun-filled day last Saturday. I just LOVE my scarf and can't wait to wear it out.
    I will be back for another dose very soon!

  7. oh wow, your felting is absolutely stunning!!! lovely thoughts from Australia

  8. dear elisabeth
    I saw her and I thought of Aruna, my dear friend during my indian exposure - she looks so kind, mellow and also graceful - just like her.
    love your work,

  9. I love your felt doll, and many things on your blog. Such a lovely color pallette you have going!

  10. Elizabeth what a beautiful garden you have. I think your doll looks like a "Daphne"

    Enjoy your garden and your spring sunshine. We have autumn now, but the sunshine is holding up and looks great through the trees

    Have a good weekend
