
Monday, November 15, 2010

Book Update............................

Dear Friends,
Life is a strange thing. It gets in the way of plans, it makes you take detours you hadn't anticipated which in turn make you arrive at your original destination a little late.
Well such has been the case with my book. Back in July when Christmas was literally months away, I was certain I would be ready by now.
My artist in residency commitments have absorbed all my time over the last 6 months and unfortunately I am behind in finishing my felt book.
On the plus side, I am really pleased with the way it is going and am more than half way finished.
I just wanted to keep you updated on my progress and hope you will understand,
Lots of Love


  1. Good things come to those who wait xx

  2. and anticipation is half of the reward!

  3. I think it might be worth the wait!

  4. Love the new photo on your banner.

  5. Good luck with your book!
    And have fun writing it! :)

  6. I can not wait to see your book. I am sure it will be colourful! That little I know!
    Good luck finishing it!

  7. I agree completely with Sara, and of course I will gladly wait , because I know that it will be a fabulous MUST HAVE book!!!!!

  8. THankyou for being so very understanding everyone! It is shaping up - I just need to have blocks of time to myself!

    Cheers for now

  9. I am sure your felt book will be absolutely stunning and it's great that you are happy with it. Christmas always gets done, doesn't it. I'm behind too, by the way, as I have been working on my Brooklyn sketchbook with a deadline looming. So long as I'm done a week before Christmas then that's ok ...

    Take care dear xoxo
