
Friday, December 10, 2010

Fifty One Feathered Friends!

Dear friends,
I am starting to get back to the studio where all school work has gone! Phew! It has been such a big term. Here is another work up and as you can see my pet subject was chosen ( without me saying a thing ....truly!) and the results are just fab.

The presentation was last Friday and I think everyone was very pleased. Children already have been gazing at it trying to find the bit that they made. In some instances it was sewing on some wings or making grasses or moulding flowers or creating some tree trunk.

Each prep designed a bird and started making the felt. The grade ones finished the felt off and the grade fours sewed on the wings.
Once again I tried to include every bright colour possible.

For some sections we had the carding machine out to use up all the scrappy bits and these pieces of felt were used for the children to each take some home.

I think the very hardest thing to tell a child is "No sorry we need this felt for the wall hanging"
when they so desperately want to take some home.

For the first time ever I was making up little kits which were being sold on the side! It felt wrong somehow!

All in all though, the school was thrilled and I can't wait to go back again next year. I think we will be tackling a circus theme for the library - so any thoughts you may have on what MUST be included.........then I am all ears!
Hoping everyone is finding a little creative time at the moment, I am busy drying out one wall of my studio as sudden flash flooding happened and water started pouring down the wall! Thankyou to all the ladies in class on Wednesday who helped rush everything out of the way it was most appreciated.


  1. This is gorgeous.The kids would have loved working on this! A colourful creation.

  2. Oh yes - I love it!! What a wonderfully creative time the children will have enjoyed and what a stupendous wall picture they now have to marvel at for years to come!!

  3. Hello from Iowa, USA! So happy to find your gorgeous blog! This piece you've done is absolutely wonderful!!! One could sit and stare for hours! Great job! I'll be back again soon! Cheers!

  4. You ahve done it again with your students E!!!! This wall hanging is fabulous!! I am undertaking a similar but smaller project in January with a small group of 5th graders. We will be making two wallhangings with a Rainforest theme to be auctioned to raise funds for the school. Seeing your work and all of the glorious color gets me so very excited !!!! Wish that you could jet over to hold our hands thru the project. I could learn so very much from you!! Can't wait for your book!!!!!

  5. This is FABULOUS Elizabth. Can't wait for my day with you next year ;-)

  6. Oh Elizabeth this is beautiful!! Put me down for one of your books too please. Thankyou,Debbie O'Brien

  7. This is a fabulous creation, everyone must be so proud!

  8. Absolutely stunning! Truly a "work of art". You inspire me. Do you have any recommendations for someone relatively new to felting? I've done a little wet felting and some needle felting but am really just a beginner. I'm thinking I'd like to focus on needle felted creations as well as wet felted landscapes and accessory pieces such as scarves and shawls. I do NOT sew ~ though, I suspect I could manage the type of sewing the children did on the birds in this beautiful piece!


    Happy Solstice!
