
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

See you in 2011!

Dearest Friends,
Well a final post before 2011 gets into gear. Working hard on new felt amidst eating too much and trying to sort of Spring/Summer clean up. Christmas was very simple and we had a lovely time doing very little. The house has nearly been culled of all mince pies and shortbread although gingerbread biscuits, nougat and chocolates still abound.

As I felt, I watch fibres and fleece enmesh, get tangled and somehow improve as they become a cohesive piece of work. Each element is made more beautiful by combining them with each other.

It is pretty much like life I guess, members of a family made more strong, more wonderful by being a single unit

and I really feel it is the same with the online community. I have to admit that I barely perceived how much I would gain from this little blog.

So thankyou everyone for your beautiful support in 2010, your lovely words that encourage me with every entry to continue with the artistic life. Just knowing that you are all there ready for me to chat to is so ...............magic!
SO Happy New Year everyone, may all your dreams come true in 2011 even the the tiny tentative ones that are still a bit wobbly,
With love and many hugs


  1. Happy New Year to you too Elizabeth.

  2. You voice my feelings precisely, regarding the blogging community. I look forward to following your journey further in the coming year. Also looking forward to your book!
    Be well.

  3. More beautiful work Elizabeth. I'm glad you had a lovely Christmas and I hope 2011 is everything you wish and more. I'm so looking forward to our get together on the 14th.

  4. A happy and crafty New Year to you too!

  5. It will be a fabulous year for you with your book coming out!! I CAN"T wait!!! I also can't thank you enough for your help with getting me sorted with teaching the 90 students to felt earlier this year!! Actually I am going back next week to start on a month long project where we will be making two rain forest wallahngings for a fundraiser. I know that I can never get to the level that you are achieving and I long to work with you at some point in my life (one must dream!!). Youa re inspiring me to expose these kids to the process and the importance of the sheep to our lives as humans and I am going to pass on your words about small fragile bits working together to make a stronger cohesive whole!!!! Bravo dear girl!! See you in 2011!!!!

  6. Gorgeous work Elizabeth
    Happy new year to you dear
    Carolyn x
