
Monday, January 10, 2011

Such a fab day!

Dear friends
Well the year has got off to a bang with a class last week and this class here of some wonderful
students yesterday. It is always such fun when friends come together to learn something new. I am certain it adds to the cohesion of friends, enabling them to become even more steadfast.
From left new felters, Joanne, Teresa and Greta.

You are absolutely right - they made some stunning felt!

I am sometimes quite envious of a complete felting novice.
Yes I am content and proud of the knowledge I have gained over many years of felting, still when I think about all that lies ahead for them and the sense of thrill and wonderment which felting does bring, I am just a little envious. They have so many exciting avenues to explore.

This got me thinking about the way we approach our work. All of us - painters, stampers, sculptors, illustrators, quilters, knitters ....................................obviously get into a groove of approaching our projects in a particular way. Should we pause now and then and see what changes we could ignite in our work if approached from a different angle?

This is quite a challenge if you have found a working method that is productive and enjoyable.
And yet, fresh eyes with no preconceived ideas as to the end result, could produce some really remarkable work.
So this is my task this week: to find (albeit small) a different way of looking at the familiar tried and true approach. It may be that I re arrange the studio, work in a new colourway, make something I never have before or tackle a new subject to express.
I will let you know how I go!
Wishing everyone a fun adventure this week as we steer ourselves into the New Year!


  1. oooh lovely felt... .yes you're right I am always amazed how much I can learn from my pupils approach they make me look at things in different ways .....x

  2. Beautiful felt the ladies made! I would so love to get together with others and felt but can not find anything local to me.
    Im still going through what you describe as new to felting, and still have the wonderment happening almost daily. Im totally hooked on felting and cant wait to learn more and keep trying new things.
    Nikki xxx

  3. Ah, I recognize those faces, especially Joanne, I'm looking forward to show and tell when I next catch up with her. I find working on a range of things helps keep the excitement going as does a painting get together like I had recently with a group of art friends. I'm really looking forward to our get together on Friday, can't wait.

  4. It was such a WONDERFUL day - can't wait to do the 5 week course and I have found the 4th student!

  5. FABULOUS! So colourful and awe-inspiring!
    I bet you and they are very proud of what was achieved?
    Thank you for sharing and inspiring!

    Sandie xx

  6. sometimes I think I would like to travel to the other side of the world just to take a workshop with you and your wonderful colourful wools!!!

  7. the output of new felters is also due in some measure to the skill of the teacher - well done. Pause and reconsider, yes that sounds good to me and I agree with artymess, you do learn lots when teaching and it sparks off new ideas.
