
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

An interview..................

Hi fellow artists,

Hope everyone's week has started with something wonderful! I just wanted to share an interview that a lovely Canadian lady, Delores, did for me last year. It is now online and if you are interested here is the link "Running With Scissors"

Please note that the photo in the interview of me is about 3 - 4 years old and although I have reached the grand age of 43 this one manages to make me look less than half my years. Perhaps felting agrees with me!

I am off to take down more Christmas decorations - we went a bit silly this Christmas and I keep finding swags of twinkly things everywhere.

Chat soon




  1. A really lovely interview. You are very inspiring. It is a huge step to become an independant worker but I took that step too 7 years ago now and it was the best thing I ever did. I now have over 1040 customers,I love the challenge of every day and really love what it did for my confidence. :-)
    A x

  2. What a lovely interview (and photo) Good luck with the straw bale dream.

  3. What a great interview Elizabeth, some beautiful photos of your work. We have a straw bale house next door to us. See you Friday.

  4. a wonderful interview

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog ... one of my textile art hearts for Valentine's day. I would love you to enter

    Carolyn x

  5. This article is really the one that I needed. I really learned a lot by reading the whole content. Thanks for this.
