
Thursday, February 10, 2011

A repeat from the past!

Hello creative friends!

Lots happening in the last few weeks. I have been teaching several evening classes and it has been a really lovely way to end the day.
I generally teach in the daytime but over the last month the twilight time of the day has been popular.

One of these classes has been Face Painting - which used to be my most popular class. Once again it is having a resurgence - isn't it interesting how life does these big wheels and brings you back to where you were.

On the strength of that ,I have reprinted my face painting manual "Fuss Free Faces".

Available at my etsy store now.
On another note I am busy preparing for a school project again which promises to be challenging indeed - 12 framed puppets ( all in the one frame) which the students will design make and then embroider. Although I don't want to wish time away I can hardly wait to see them done!
Hoping everyone is well and that the coming weekend holds something wonderful to do.
Love Elizabeth

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