
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Canvas, paint and a little felt too!

Hi dear friends,
Well busy busy busy at this end. Teaching a great deal and finding just a little time to sneak in some canvas painting with a little felt too!

Over the last few months I have been teaching several evening classes which have been great fun! Somehow students seem more relaxed - perhaps because it is the end of the day and there are no commitments, pressures and deadlines to meet.

I know my self I work very well late into the night rather than very early in the morning.
This got me wondering how many of us work at night to achieve our artistic dreams. Perhaps you are such a one or maybe you are busy beating the early bird and the worm!

Here are a few pics of some of the canvas figures that I have had fun with recently and the faces are in felt with some buttons as well.
I could make dozens of them, they are such fun!
Hoping everyone is getting a lot done - be it late into the night or early in the morn!


  1. Those people are very very very cute!!!

  2. Elizabeth is realy fantastic your work a love the colores. Makes me feel happy.

  3. Thanks for this post! i really enjoyed reading it!!!
