
Friday, March 11, 2011

One dozen Puppets!

Dear friends,
Over the last couple of weeks I have been back at a school from last year (remember the underwater wallhanging?) same children!

Such fun we have had creating some really beautiful felt. They have been pieced together by myself and the art teacher. The design ideas were instigated by the students with drawings on what they felt a puppet should look like.

A couple of the ladies have their faces stitched and naturally the others will follow in the next couple of weeks.

This is my favourite lady

and this is my favourite gentleman!

Don't you just love them? I am so proud of what we have achieved and now I want a dozen to hang up at home.
Oh yes, the upward turned hands will have yarn attached to indicate (without a doubt) that they are indeed puppets.
In a few weeks they will all be framed - possibly four sets of 3 so that they can be hung in school as a collective or be seperated and placed in different venues.
Which is your fave? Don't tell me you aren't already deciding!
I'd be thrilled to hear what is your selection,
Until next time
Happy creating!


  1. These are absolutely awesome.....I love each and every one and it would be impossible to choose one as my favorite......

  2. All are fabulous. I might choose a different favorite each time I looked but since you asked, this morning my favorites are, for the females the first photo, and for the males, the second photo. You are working with some talent! thanks for sharing.

  3. What funky puppets....I love them!

    How lucky you are to work with these students, they must inspire you endlessly.

    The colour are amazing.

    Jacky xox

  4. These are just divine! No 4 Lady and No 1 Man are the favourites!
    How tall are they I wonder? I would love a class for adults, why should the kids have all the fun!

  5. I am so inspired! These are beautiful and full of joy! Your blog is filled with the sparkle of creativity. Sharon

  6. My fave lady is the one above yours - great colours and I love the first of the men but it was hard to choose as I'd happily have them all. Another brilliant project.
