
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some groovy news!

Dear Friends,
Some exciting news! I am travelling to the UK on the 21st April and will be there until early June, tootling around with my Mum who really does need a holiday! After that we go to Paris for a few days and then onto Rome via Florence. Needless to say I am so excited. I am going to try and blog whilst I am away and will be travelling with a little notebook computer I am yet to buy!

I would love to meet up with blog friends if possible - providing the itinerary works! Drop me a line if you would like to hook up.

In the meantime here are some teeny weeny strawberries about the size of your thumbnail. We have to grab them quickly otherwise our feathered friends enjoy them instead of us!

Aren't they just so inspiring for a piece of artwork. Embroidered, painted, felted, beaded............... whatever!

Looking at the little things gives pockets of joy to every day - if we take the time. Don't you think? Sometimes one day seems very like the day before, but tiny things do change and hunting for them can be a challenge.

Hoping to hear from some UK friends in BLOGLAND,
Every best wish


  1. sounds like a great trip!

    i'm a newbie reader to your blog, but it would be lovely to meet up if you are going to be in scotland at any point?

    the pic of your strawberries is lovely, you're so right about looking for the little things. now that i have discovered the macro function on my camera i have a totally different outlook and can spend hours looking for little details in the garden, and the fact that it all makes for great felting inspiration is perfect!

  2. Hello Elizabeth, I have just heard from Sue in Stockport and I beieve you two will be meeting up over there..She is looking forward to hearing from you and catching up. Lucky you.. I am very envious but hope you and your Mum have a truly wonderful time..
    Give my love to Edinburgh f you get there and I hope your meeting with the felters of Frodsham goes well..I will look forward to hearing about all your adventures when you return.
    Bon Voyage!

  3. THanks Ladies!
    Narkey Markey I don't think we will make it to Scotland on this trip but I will keep you posted for sure!
    Lovely to hear from you Ruth - don't forget I still have your books! Really looking foreward to meeting felters in the UK.
    Keep watching this blog I am going to post whilst I am away,

  4. I hope you have a great time. Hope the weather is kind to you. Love your puppets, they're great! :o)

  5. Hi..l live in Putney..near central london...if you fancy a day in London or are around this way. i have b een looking at your blog for a while and love your work. Have a GREAT holiday and most of all have FUN kin UK and Paris. L LOVE PARIS and know it well.Have you been before?xxlynda

  6. Hi Elizabeth
    I live in Ilkley in Yorkshire, let me know if you're up this way it would be good to meet up and show you around.

  7. Hi Elizabeth. Looking forward to meeting you at the workshop in Frodsham on May 18th
