
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Storybook Holiday!

Well hello at last dear friends!

You must all have thought I had left for another planet not just another country!

Well here in sensational Britain Mum and I are having what can only be descibed as a story book holiday! Everything is dovetailing beautifully and we have been so touched by all the kindness from everybody.

Upon arriving we picked up our hire car and immediately drove down to Winchester. Sensational! As I am doing the driving I have been getting lost on quite a regular basis ( daily!) and I am not backward in asking for help - from the man walking his dog in the street to the lady in the carpark not to mention the man at the garage and I can't forget the vicar at the tea rooms!

Now that Mum has taken charge of the navigator we are doing beautifully. Our orienteering skills have soared sky high! Also we have named her Tilly!

The photos here are some from inside and around Winchester Cathedral - truly an amazing place to gaze at for many hours - we were lucky to catch some choir rehersals and the acoustics are awe inspiring!

The wooden carvings were a joy to hunt down and I simpy couldn't stop photographing them - than 40 carvings of the Green Man alone, although I didn't have enough time to find them all.

As you can imagine I am taking at least a hundred photos a day. Not just willy nilly - I love taking close ups of subjects that may later be intrerpreted for a piece of work - wood, flowers, stone, brickwork, gardens,streets and I just love taking photos of doors!

Weird I know!

As a result I am to be found crawling on the ground, waiting for people to pass by or changing the setting on the camera - whilst Mum is striding on with her head swivelling and occasionally chatting to me - or at least she thinks so!

At any rate all is well - we are having a blast and I will post again soon!

Oh forgot to mention, any cake we have never seen we feel compelled to try - so when next we meet don't be surprised if I am shaped like Humpty Dumpty!

Lots of Love




  1. Cool pictures pleased you are enjoying our city of Winchester I live here ....well a few miles outside ...its a beautiful city to visit ..

  2. What fun you are having!!! love your pictures and can see lots of inspiration coming along!!! Go ahead and EAT CAKE, especially in Paris!!!!!

  3. So glad you arrived safely Elizabeth and that it meets all of your expectations. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos and hearing all about it when you return. xo

  4. What a holiday!Winchester Cathedral..oh those carvings.I love the Green Man theme..
    Looking forward to seeing more of your hols snaps!!

  5. So glad you are both having a good time - can you believe nearly 2 weeks gone already!
    I have been making lots of scarves and sold my first one ! Also made Jassie a felt blanket which she loves. I think at first she thought it was a bit bright but now she curls up on it and goes to sleep Looking forward to your next post.

  6. Love your photos, it sounds like you're having a great holiday.

  7. Hello sunshine, sounds like you're having a hoot - so jealous. Take care. I've never met a cake I didn't like, so will look forward to future reports.

  8. Glad you are having fun. That catheral is gorgeous, been there often. The Green man carving is famous and has a lot of folk law surrounding it. We live by a pub called The Green Man ! I don't know how long you are staying but if you come to London or near..feel free to email me... ( l will then give you phone number) and l can show you round. I am in Jersey, in the Channel Islands until Monday 16.05.2011.....would love to be your guide for a day..!x lynda

  9. Hi Elizabeth and Mum, sounds like you girls are having a fabulous time already. I do hope you find The Birthday Cake of your Dreams.

    Happy Birthday Elizabeth. Yayyyyyyy! Have a good one.

    Love deb. xox

  10. Glad to hear you have tamed the Navigator - the roundabouts and exits in the country side can get very confusing. Sounds like you and your mum are having a sensational time - all due to your meticulous planning no doubt.Enjoy Hereford Cathedral and Mappi Mundi
    Love Paula
