
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

3 Days to go!

Hi Friends,
Thankyou so much for your wonderful response to the give away! I forgot to mention that if you would prefer a more subdued little bird in quieter tones then no problem.
Like any artist I always assume that everyone likes my colours best, brights, but this doesn't suit us all. If you would prefer a felted friend that is brown/blue/silver colours then that can certainly be arranged! Remember just leave a comment or "follow" my blog and you will be entered into the draw.

Everything is bright and warm here and our first bowl of cherries have been harvested! They have come from a very young tree, earlier than expected and this little dessert bowl was the ENTIRE crop. Henry thinks they are superb - not too certain what they are - but sensational fun to grab the stalk in your teeth and fling it across the table!  Is this young fluff monster entertaining or what? 

The obvious question I guess is, "Should Henry be on the table?"   Mmm...............Oh well...........

Good Luck in the draw!



  1. I know i entered my comment for the draw before but oh I just love these luscious birds, no subdued birds for me!!

  2. That Henry.... he obviously like a bit of play time!
    Gorgeous all colour combinations.

    Warm one today!!!

    Jacky xox

  3. Oh... there are both really beautiful... all combinations
    We have snow today...the grounds are white...
    lots of greetings
