
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Give Away!

Hi everyone!
Well I thought it was time to announce a fabulous give away!

Simply leave a comment or "follow" my blog and I will choose a name at random from a hat on the 1st of December.  Your new little felt bird will be winging its' way to you just in time to hang on your tree or anywhere you like. Your little bird is created from handmade felt from my hand dyed wools and then embroidered.

There are a couple of other items in there too but that would be telling.The festive season is supposed to be about surprises anyway!

Good Luck on the 1st of December!



  1. Gosh!I am the first Elizabeth. These are absolutely darling. I'd really appreciate being in your draw.
    I love making felt birds too.
    I've just finished a whole lot of fabric Xmas birds that I sold for a Museum fund raiser. They all sold.People love birds don't they?

  2. Hello Elizabeth!
    Seeing these little guys reminds me of how much I've missed felting! Must get in touch with you soon.
    Hope you're well,

  3. Wow that is one gorgeous bird, please enter me in the draw. :-)

  4. Gorgeous!!!! Love your vibrant new felt birdie. Please put my name in the draw. Would love him hanging in my tree.

    Jacky xox

  5. I would love to be in the draw too. Do you hand dye the fleece yourself? The colours are amazing. Do you have any classes scheduled in the near future?

  6. Love the patterns and birds. Very creative use of color!!

  7. Such a beautiful little bird! Thank you for the opportunity to win him! Hugs, Janice

  8. so missing our Fridays with you

    reminder friday girls

    we must regroup 1st thing next year

  9. What a beautiful little bird....a real little treasure.
    A x

  10. Oh Elizabeth, I just loved the birds when I saw them and then found they were to be part of your give away, I do hope I win, please! Just love those wee birds.

  11. I follow you every where, such a big fan of your work. Sadly I live in the Netherlands, a bit far from Australië.

  12. Just love the vibrant colours you use Elizabeth!
    Thanks for the chance of winning something made by you. That little bird would look gorgeous on the tree.

  13. As if they had flown out of my heart!

  14. You are such an inspiration with you colorful work! The little bird just adorable!!!

  15. hi, id love one of the felted birds they are gorgeous

  16. I've been following you for a while now and love your work - that little bird is so perfect...

  17. Your little bird is (as all your work is) so vibrant in colour ! I'm a kind of "rainbow-person" myself too, so I lóve your work (for some time now ;-) ....!)

  18. Now these are the most cheerful looking birdies I've seen in a long time! Wonderful!

  19. The birds are perfect and beautiful special de colours. Thank you for de chance to win one of them. Janny

  20. Hello Elizabeth
    I would love to be in your draw, I have started to play with felt and find your work so vibrant and inspirational

  21. Liebew Elizabeth, Deine Farbkraft spricht mich sehr an und Deine Handschrift ist ganz speziell. Herzlichen Dank für die farbenfrohen BLogposts.

  22. Dear Elizabeth,
    Birds have such a special place in my heart ever since my mom passed. Two birds came to her windowsill the last hour of her life and stayed with me. Then when I came back a couple days later to clean out her closet they reappeared and watched me. So now whenever a bird comes close to me I think it may be her watching over me. I would love you to enter me into your drawing. Deb

  23. awww isnt he just gorgeous, and he'd be perfect on anyone's Christmas tree xo

  24. Your birds are incredibly charming and so you!! Must have one!!!!! Pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Just love your work, one of your beautiful birds would surely win pride of place on my tree here in New Zealand

  26. The birds are beautiful,I like to have one.
    Greetings from the netherlands

  27. Hi Elizabeth, love your birds! One day I will get to Australia for a visit, it's always been on my list.

  28. Ooohhh...I'd love to take part in your give-away. I adore your work and the birds are fantastic! Thank you for entering me.

  29. Your birds are so special...I love them. Maybe one will fly across the ocean! Happy Holidays and how nice for you to have this give-away...thank you. val

  30. How special and colorful your birds are...maybe one will make it all the way across the ocean! Thank you for having this special holiday treat...val

  31. Love your Birds! I would be honored to have one. Have a Blessed Day.

  32. Stupendously cheering beautiful birds to brighten my miserable, grey, wet wintry day in the SW of the UK. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  33. Hi Elizabeth! I would LOVE another bird... I have a few and would love just one more! Please enter me in the drawing!
    Julie McDermott

  34. In my part of the world (UK) it's cold and wet and all around is flooding! One of your beautiful birds would brighten things up!

  35. Lovely lovely felt work and the birdies make my heart soar!

  36. oh, it's the 1st. am i too late? i looooove your little birdies and would so enjoy having one. i wish i could be there to see your work in person. and to experence spring, we have snow :(
